Tuesday, May 19, 2015

Master the Art of Impressions

By: Scott Jemison
Contributing Writer

A good analytics program can provide you with a wealth of information for determining your success at online marketing. There are an infinite number of combinantions and segmentations of data to interpret, providing you information about visitors and the quality of your web pages.

What's missing? How do you determine as a business owner whether you are getting your message to your customers? When you are paying for every click it is vital to put your message in front of potential clients, not accidential traffic.

If you are using the correct keywords the number of impressions your keywords receive becomes a good indicate of the potential traffic for your product. Too many people dismiss impressions as merely a factor of click-thru.

The number of impressions is a good indicator of powerful keyword choice. A low level of impressions with low click-thru could indicate a poor choice of keyword, indicating a limited audience for your offering. On the other hand, a low level of impressions with a high click-thru is a good indicator of niche marketing.

A well handled PPC campaign can provide you with as much insight into the marketplace as any analytics program. The key is to pay close attention to every metric and learn from each to adjust your campaign to maximize the return on your investment.

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